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Ukraine: Legal implications of the COVID-19 pandemic and nationwide quarantine

17 March 2020 – On 11 March 2020, in response to the threat of the novel coronavirus (COVID 19) pandemic, the Ukrainian government adopted Resolution No. 211 introducing a nationwide quarantine effective from 12 March through 3 April 2020.

The attached alert memorandum discusses the following aspects of the pandemic in Ukraine:

  • the quarantine as introduced in Ukraine
  • the COVID-19 pandemic as a ‘force majeure’ event in relation to contractual obligations
  • competition law implications of coordinated activity among market players in relation to COVID-19
  • disclosure or notification requirements in the context of COVID-19
  • employment law aspects of the COVID-19 situation
  • privacy aspects of conducting health checks
  • ticket refunds and additional compensation payments by airlines

As discussed in detail in the attached memorandum, the COVID-19 crisis does not automatically serve as excuse from complying with the provisions of mandatory law in Ukraine or with the terms agreed contractually by an affected party. The extraordinary measures that companies are planning to implement or have already put in place in response to the situation must be also in line with existing Ukrainian law.

For more information on this alert memorandum, please contact Kostiantyn Likarchuk, Managing Partner, at , Andriy Nikiforov, Counsel, at , your other regular firm contact or our COVID-19 task force in Kyiv directly at . We are monitoring developments and will be pleased to provide you with further information.