

Slovakia: Subsidies for the construction of Renewable Energy Sources

November 2023 – Are you considering building your own Renewable Energy Source ("RES") in order to reduce your electricity costs, comply with internal ESG policies, or for any other reason? If so, you may find this overview of currently available subsidies to entrepreneurs in Slovakia for the construction of RES helpful.

Currently, there are two opened calls for the submission of applications for state aid in the total amount of EUR 94,554,298. We provide an overview of key information on such aid below.



Call for the submission of applications for funds from the Recovery and Resilience Facility to support the construction of new facilities for the production of electricity from RES and to support the increased flexibility of electric power systems for the higher integration of RES - battery systems

Aid for equipment for the production of electricity from solar energy

Call code 01I01-26-V06 PSK-MIRRI-004-2023-DV-FST
Publication date 20 October 2023 4 October 2023
Total available funds

EUR 63,740,000, of which:

  • EUR 11,740,000 for Activity A
  • EUR 52,000,000 for Activity A+B

EUR 30,814,298, of which:

  • EUR 24,814,298 for the Trenčín region
  • EUR 6,000,000 for the Košice region
Maximum aid per project

EUR 2,500,000 for Activity A

EUR 5,000,000 for Activity A+B

EUR 10,000,000
Maximum aid intensity

45% of eligible costs

  • 45%-65% of eligible costs depending on the size of the enterprise in case of Activity A
  • 30%-50% of eligible costs depending on the size of the enterprise in case of Activity B
Eligible projects

Activity A: Construction of new RES facilities

Activity B: Construction of new energy storage (only in connection with Activity A)

Activity A: Construction of new photovoltaic sources

Activity B: Construction of new energy storage (only in connection with Activity A)

Eligible territory

Whole Slovak territory

Districts: Prievidza, Partizánske, Košice I-IV, Košice-okolie, Michalovce

Deadline for application

15 January 2024

1st round: 30 November 2023

2nd round: 31 January 2024

3rd round until exhaustion of resources: Last business day of each second following month

Source of subsidy

Recovery and Resilience Facility

Just Transition Fund


  • Non-eligible are projects where realisation started before the filing of an application for a subsidy.
  • Due to restrictions contained in the rules for the provision of subsidies, use of the subsidies may prove to be limited for the implementation of projects that foresee the lease of RES assets to a customer (to be operated by the customer as its local source of RES).

For more information, please contact the authors of the article.

Erik Neupaver Senior Associate
+421 2 5929 1156
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