Levente Hegedűs


+36 1 428 4403

Levente Hegedűs

+36 1 428 4403


Levente Hegedűs is a Partner in the Budapest office, the head of the local Banking, Finance & Capital Markets service line and the co-head of the firm-wide Restructuring & Insolvency service line.  

Levente has 15 years of experience in advising on banking and finance matters, particularly on acquisition, real estate, project finance and syndicated finance transactions, restructuring and insolvency matters, and financial supervision legislation. He also specialises in capital market transactions and has played a leading role in the advisory team of transactions related to bond and share issues, IPOs and complex capital market transactions.

Levente Hegedűs’ availability is unique; he is experienced, client focused, flexible and has a problem-solving approach.

Levente Hegedűs is well known in professional circles and has several years’ experience. He mentors his junior associates with great competence. He is engaged and always available to discuss ad-hoc problems and suggest good solutions. Hegedűs is a great case manager, and he has great communication skills including a sense of humour.

Legal 500, 2024


Banking & Finance

  • A CONFIDENTIAL CLIENT on the EUR 60 million + financing of the acquisition of McDonald’s Hungary Restaurant Chain together with its wholly owned subsidiary, McDonald’s Promotion
  • A CONFIDENTIAL CLIENT on a HUF 120 billion (approx. EUR 340 million) club facility provided to state-owned Hungarian Development Bank
  • A CONFIDENTIAL CLIENT on a financing to MET Hungary for the development of a 17.6 MWp (AC) solar power plant located near the site of Dunamenti Power Plant in Hungaryby MET Dunai Solar Park
  • CONFIDENTIAL CLIENTS, as mandated lead managers, on a EUR 200 million equivalent syndicated facility agreement with RCS&RDS Group, relating to the financing of the acquisition of INVITEL Távközlési by DIGI Hungary
  • A CONFIDENTIAL CLIENT on securing a EUR 68.5 million senior debt facility from Starwood European Real Estate, together with the acquisition of Europolis Park Aerozone/Airport Business Park, a 64,600 sqm multi-tenanted logistics park located in the proximity of Budapest’s airport, from CA Immo Group and Union Invest, and Liget Center and Gödöllő Logistics Park in two stages

Capital Markets

  • A CONFIDENTIAL CLIENT and other dealers on the EUR 5 billion Euro Medium Term Note Programme of OTP Bank, including Tier 2, Senior Preferred and Senior Non-Preferred Notes tranches
  • A CONFIDENTIAL CLIENT on the conversion of its Hungarian fund manager subsidiary into a branch including the establishment of its Hungarian branch and the financial regulatory approval proceedings of the transfer of the funds managed by the Hungarian subsidiary to the newly established Hungarian branch
  • A CONFIDENTIAL CLIENT as issuer, on the EUR 200 million 144A Eurobond issue with the joint lead managers of BNP Paribas, J.P. Morgan and Raiffeisen Bank International, for refinancing its 2013 US$200 million bond issue
  • CONFIDENTIAL CLIENTS as initial purchasers on the issue of the 144A EUR 450 million notes due 2025 and EUR 400 million notes due 2028 by RCS&RDS as issuer secured on a senior secured basis by Digi Hungary and Invitel as guarantors
  • A CONFIDENTIAL CLIENT on the implementation of their direct link with KELER, owned by the National Bank of Hungary (MNB), the Central Depository and Clearing House and AIX CSD


  • 2012: Suffolk University, Boston, USA, Faculty of Global Business Law, LL.M.
  • 2009: University Eötvös Loránd, Budapest, Hungary, Faculty of Law, Bachelor of Law


Budapest Bar Association


    Hungarian, English