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Insights March 2025

CJEU confirms validity of asymmetric jurisdiction clauses in contracts

On 27 February 2025, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) issued a key ruling in the Lastre case (C-537/23) (the Judgment), confirming that asymmetric jurisdiction clauses in contracts are valid and in compliance with the Brussels I recast regulation and the Lugano II Convention. The Judgment provides greater legal certainty for parties, especially in cross-border contracts, as the validity and enforceability of such clauses had been previously questioned by some national courts. Asymmetric jurisdiction clauses allow one party of a contract to choose a competent court from jurisdiction of its choice in the event of a dispute, while restricting the other party to courts of only a specified jurisdiction. These

Insights February 2025

EUIPO offers SMEs trade marksand designs grants of up to EUR 1,350 again in 2025

The European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) has launched the 2025 SME Fund, offering up to 75% savings on, among others, trademark and design application fees, as well as pre-diagnostic IP services. Since 2021, more than 72,000 businesses have benefited from the fund. This year with a budget of over EUR 18 million, this initiative will help startups, videogame studios, and other small businesses, regardless of industry, to strengthen their Intellectual Property portfolios. Applications are open from 3 February to 5 December 2025 — but remember: it is on a first-come, first-served basis! Secure your IP portfolio! Read more in our overview below by Natalia Kirichenko, Partner

Insights September 2024

Consumer Law Update – CJEU rules that a price reduction announced in an advertisement must be calculated on the basis of the lowest price in the last 30 days

On 26 September, the Court of Justice of the European Union ("CJEU") issued its much anticipated decision in the case Aldi Süd (C-330/23) concerning the announcement of price reductions in an advertisement. At issue was whether a price reduction announced in an advertisement must be calculated on the basis of the lowest price in the last 30 days, or whether the price reduction can be calculated from another price, with the information on the lowest price in the last 30 days being provided together with the reference price for calculating the reduction (as an additional figure). The CJEU concluded that that a price reduction announced in an advertisement must be determined on the basis of the lowest price applied

Insights June 2024

First in-depth M&A investigation under the EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation: What it means for future M&A deals

The EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation (“FSR”) started to apply on 12 July 2023 as another instrument in the EU regulatory toolkit aimed at preventing distortions of competition on the EU internal market. In the spotlight of the framework are foreign subsidies granted to companies carrying out economic activities within the EU in the context of (i) M&A transactions, (ii) public procurement and (iii) other market activities. Foreign subsidies are all financial contributions provided, directly or indirectly, by non-EU countries, including any transfer of financial resources from non-EU countries such as grants, capital injections, loans, tax incentives, credits and funds. In the context of M&A, the FSR imposes

Insights March 2024

The AI Act is adopted, what to do now?

On March 13th the EU Parliament adopted the AI Act, marking a significant milestone in shaping the region's AI landscape. The Act will be published in the Official Journal of the European Union, and 20 days after publication, the AI Act will enter into force. Although it will take two full years until the grace period passes and almost all provisions will be applicable, AI providers should be aware of the detailed schedule of applicability. In addition, as the AI Act has extraterritorial scope, it does not only concern the 27 Member States of the European Union, but any AI provider worldwide whose AI systems are placed on the market or put into service in the EU. The first deadline expires in six months, as the rules

Insights March 2024

Slovakia – Choice of jurisdiction in purely national relationships resolved

In its decision of 8 February 2024 (C 566/22), the Court of Justice of the European Union (the ECJ) has finally resolved the long-term practical question (and debate among legal practitioners) whether, in the case of a purely national relationship without the presence of a foreign element or link to several legal orders, contracting parties may choose the jurisdiction of the judicial authorities of any EU Member State. The response is YES. This landmark decision is a clear affirmation of the parties’ autonomy to determine the jurisdiction of the judicial authorities. Simply put, if two Slovak entities enter into an agreement under Slovak law without a link to another Member State or non-Member State, the parties are not

Insights March 2024

EUIPO offers SMEs trade mark and design grants of up to EUR 1,350 again in 2024, available also for Ukrainian SMEs

The European Commission and European Intellectual Property Office (“EUIPO”) have once again launched a small and medium-sized business fund (“SME Fund”) to provide reimbursement for trade mark and design application fees and pre-diagnostic services. The 2024 SME Fund is the third and last call of this initiative, following the 2022 and 2023 SME Funds. The grant scheme, designed to encourage SMEs to expand their intellectual property (“IP”) portfolios, has a budget of more than EUR 21 million, available on a first-come, first-serve basis. The submission period for applications runs from 22 January to 6 December 2024. Read more in the brochure below: DOWNLOAD IN ENGLISH  In case of

Insights February 2024

Update: ESG reporting obligations in Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia

With the 6 July 2024 deadline for the implementation of the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (EU) 2022/2464 (the "CSRD”) looming, Member States across the EU have been moving at different speeds to adopt their respective local implementing legislation. Our second status update on the CSRD implementation in Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia is available here. At the time of writing, three of the six countries in Central and Eastern Europe that we have been following – the Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania – have already adopted legislative acts that, at least partially, implement the CSRD into national legislation. Slovakia has brought a draft act to parliament

Insights February 2024

Provisional agreement reached on the Ecodesign Regulation and its impact on the fashion sector

As of 5 December 2023, the Council and European Parliament reached a provisional political agreement regarding a „Regulation establishing a Framework for setting ecodesign requirements for sustainable products“. The upcoming EU sustainability legislation is crucial as it affects a substantial part of the Consumer & Retail sector. It is of particular importance in the field of fashion and luxury industry as the points which the provisional agreement addresses have been among the hot topics of recent years in this sector. As we are closely monitoring the legislation process, click here or on the image below to explore the overview of key points of the adopted provisional agreement.

News January 2024

Kinstellar appoints new Sector and Service Line Heads and Head of German Desk

Kinstellar supports professional growth by offering a broad range of career development opportunities for our team, including the role of sector/service line head or co-head. We provide growth opportunities to all of our talented lawyers with the relevant experience and an outstanding track record. We are delighted to announce the following appointments: Csilla Andrékó, Partner in our Budapest office, is the Co-Head of the firm-wide Banking & Finance Service Line. Csilla is one of the founders of the Firm and the former Managing Partner of the Budapest office. Csilla also served as the head of the regional Banking & Finance and Restructuring & Insolvency Service Lines. She retired from active practice

Insights October 2023

Cannabis use: CEE regulatory update

Significant changes in the regulation of cannabis use have occurred in some countries in Central and Eastern Europe since our last report. In addition to a number of countries gradually legalising the use of cannabis for medical purposes, increasing efforts by some countries are being seen to also legalise the use of cannabis for recreational use, as well as the use of other products containing various cannabinoids, most importantly cannabidiol (CBD). Click here to read a summary of recent changes related to the national regulation of this rapidly growing sector across Central and Eastern Europe. For any other details or information, please contact Tomáš Čihula, Partner. Contributors:

Insights July 2023

Workforce restructuring in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe

Recent economic and regulatory trends such as high inflation rates and the need to transition to a green economy have pressured employers to consider cost cutting measures. Organisations have various responses with many taking steps to reduce labour costs and/or reallocate resources which may lead to recruitment freezes or even redundancies. These measures come with their legal risks which are greater in some jurisdictions over others. Although EU legislation sets certain minimum standards for termination of employment and mass lay-offs across all EU Member States, local rules vary widely in terms of timing, costs, employee protection, and litigation risks. In some cases, upskilling or reskilling of employees could be an