COVID-19 Resource Hub
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Kinstellar has established a firm-wide COVID-19 Legal Task Force with dedicated legal experts from across our relevant sector focus teams and practice groups and a dedicated Legal Response Hotline service available for our clients and partners.

To further help you mitigate the impact of the pandemic on your business, we have created this special online COVID-19 Resource Hub where you can find relevant insights, podcasts, webinars and other content focusing on important legal and strategy issues related to the rapidly evolving COVID-19 crisis situation.

Czech Republic: Corporate governance in the times of Coronavirus

23 March 2020 – As a result of coronavirus crisis and related restrictive measures, companies may face difficulties also in relation to previously common activities, such as meetings of corporate bodies and day-to-day business representation. Below...

Ukraine Update on COVID-19: quarantine, force majeure, shareholder meetings, employment matters, tax breaks and consumer loans

20 March 2020 – On 11 March 2020, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine introduced a nationwide quarantine effective from 12 March through 3 April 2020. This week, Ukraine’s central authorities have adopted further measures that will have impact on...

Hungary: Summary of measures issued by the Hungarian Government in connection with the state of emergency

20 March 2020 – In view of the ”state of danger” (in Hungarian: “veszélyhelyzet”) declared by Government Decree No. 40/2020. (III. 11.) adopted by the Hungarian Government and the ”special legal order” introduced as a result of the European...

Regional: Information about certain measures taken by governments in the Kinstellar jurisdictions in relation to the COVID-19 situation

20 March 2020 –  Kinstellar has established a firm-wide COVID-19 Legal Task Force with dedicated legal experts from across our relevant sector focus teams and practice groups. Our Task Force will keep you up to date regarding the legal issues, including...

Uzbekistan: President signs Decree on priority measures to mitigate the negative impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the economy

20 March 2020 – On 19 March 2020, President Mirziyoyev signed a Presidential Decree “On priority measures to mitigate the negative impact of the coronavirus pandemic and global crisis on sectors of the economy” (“the Decree”).

Bulgaria: Measures against COVID-19 – impact on commercial leases

19 March 2020 – In light of the state of emergency declared in Bulgaria and the measures currently undertaken by the government for the containment of the spread of COVID-19 at this stage, the commercial real estate sector appears to be one of the most...

Turkey: Overview of certain legal aspects of COVID-19

19 March 2020 – Our note below provides guidance on some of the key questions you may have regarding the impact of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak on your business in Turkey.

Serbia: Mandatory moratorium on repayment obligations to banks and lessors

19 March 2020 – In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the state of emergency introduced in Serbia on 15 March 2020, the National Bank of Serbia (“NBS”) adopted on 17 March 2020 two decisions aimed at protecting Serbia’s financial system: the...

Romania: Days off for parents caring for children due to school closures

18 March 2020 – Law no. 19/2020 on granting days off to parents for monitoring their children in case of the temporary closure of schools (“Law no. 19/2020”) provides that one of the parents is entitled to days off from work in the event that schools...

Slovakia: Overview of current extraordinary measures related to COVID-19

18 March 2020 – It may be challenging for non-Slovak speakers to understand what the “state of emergency” declared by the Slovak government means, in particular if you are still required to manage your business and/or employees in Slovakia, while...