COVID-19 Resource Hub
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Kinstellar has established a firm-wide COVID-19 Legal Task Force with dedicated legal experts from across our relevant sector focus teams and practice groups and a dedicated Legal Response Hotline service available for our clients and partners.

To further help you mitigate the impact of the pandemic on your business, we have created this special online COVID-19 Resource Hub where you can find relevant insights, podcasts, webinars and other content focusing on important legal and strategy issues related to the rapidly evolving COVID-19 crisis situation.

Regional: Non-Contact Business Landscape

3 April 2020 – The current coronavirus pandemic has made physical business meetings difficult, if not impossible. Companies who continue business operations have been forced to shift to online channels, particularly if such operations are strongly dependant...

Czech Republic: Measures to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on tenants

3 April 2020 – The Government has published draft acts on certain measures to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on tenants of (i) business premises and (ii) premises used for housing needs. The proposals are not yet in effect and will likely...

Czech Republic: Amendments to the Insolvency Act in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic

2 April 2020 – The Ministry of Justice, in response to the economic impact of the current crisis resulting from the government measures related to the COVID-19 epidemic, has prepared an act on certain measures to mitigate the effects of the SARS CoV-2...

Turkey: Personal Data Protection Authority guidance on COVID-19 related data processing activities

2 April 2020 – The Turkish Personal Data Protection Authority (“DPA”) published guidance on 27 March 2020 to address some of the key questions that businesses have been asking regarding their obligations in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Regional: Updated information about certain measures taken by governments in the Kinstellar jurisdictions in relation to the COVID-19 situation

1 April 2020 – Kinstellar has established a firm-wide COVID-19 Legal Task Force with dedicated legal experts from across our relevant sector focus teams and practice groups. Our Task Force will keep you up to date regarding the legal issues, including...

Romania: Senate adopts draft law capping prices on essential food products and medicines

1 April 2020 – Aiming to alleviate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Romanian Senate has approved on 31 March 2020 a draft law introducing a temporary price ceiling for certain essential products (“the Draft Law”).

Kazakhstan: Overview of certain legal aspects of the Coronavirus situation

31 March 2020 – On 15 March 2020 the President of Kazakhstan adopted Edict No. 285 on Introduction of the Emergency Situation in the Republic of Kazakhstan from 8:00 am on 16 March 2020 until 7:00 am on 15 April 2020 due to declaration of the new coronavirus...

Kinstellar Managing Partner in Romania, Victor Constantinescu, participates in online panel discussion “Coronavirus and Property Investments”

March 2020 – Victor Constantinescu, Managing Partner of Kinstellar’s Bucharest office and Co-head of the firm-wide Real Estate sector, participated as a guest speaker in an online panel discussion focusing on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on...

Romania: Impact on the energy sector of government-imposed price controls and essential personnel isolation measures in response to COVID-19

30 March 2020 – Confronted with a rapid spread of COVID-19 cases — fuelled in part by a high number of citizens returning from high-risk countries — the Romanian government has introduced additional measures to contain the spread of the pandemic...

Czech Republic: COVID-19 Legal Analysis: Employment – Data Protection – Contracts – Damages

30 March 2020 – The COVID-19 virus continues to spread around the globe, and the rate of infection in the Czech Republic is also increasing dramatically. Understandably, the main goal for everyone at present is to remain safe and healthy. But at the...