COVID-19 Resource Hub
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Kinstellar has established a firm-wide COVID-19 Legal Task Force with dedicated legal experts from across our relevant sector focus teams and practice groups and a dedicated Legal Response Hotline service available for our clients and partners.

To further help you mitigate the impact of the pandemic on your business, we have created this special online COVID-19 Resource Hub where you can find relevant insights, podcasts, webinars and other content focusing on important legal and strategy issues related to the rapidly evolving COVID-19 crisis situation.

Regional: Updated information about certain measures taken by governments in the Kinstellar jurisdictions in relation to the COVID-19 situation

6 May 2020 – Kinstellar has established a firm-wide COVID-19 Legal Task Force with dedicated legal experts from across our relevant sector focus teams and practice groups. Our Task Force will keep you up to date regarding the legal issues, including...

Czech Republic: “COVID-Rent” programme

6 May 2020 – We would like to draw your attention to a “COVID-Rent” programme currently being drafted by the Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade (the “Programme”). Along with the existing Act no. 210/2020 Coll., which prohibits landlords from...

Czech Republic: Compensation for damage incurred in relation to the restrictions implemented by the Ministry of Health

29 April 2020 – On 23 April 2020, the Municipal Court in Prague (in Czech: Městský soud v Praze) issued a crucial ruling, annulling, with effect from 27 April 2020, four measures implemented by the Czech Ministry of Health. The measures, issued in...

Serbia: State guarantee schemes further strengthen package of economic measures to mitigate impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic

27 April 2020 – As part of on-going efforts to mitigate the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Serbia, the Serbian government has recently adopted a decree (the “Decree”)[1] establishing state guarantees for qualifying commercial bank loans.

Regional: Updated information about certain measures taken by governments in the Kinstellar jurisdictions in relation to the COVID-19 situation

24 April 2020 – Kinstellar has established a firm-wide COVID-19 Legal Task Force with dedicated legal experts from across our relevant sector focus teams and practice groups. Our Task Force will keep you up to date regarding the legal issues, including...

Kinstellar Managing Partner in Romania, Victor Constantinescu, participates in online panel discussion “Leasing issues under the lockdown – Romania edition”

24 April 2020 – Victor Constantinescu, Managing Partner of Kinstellar’s Bucharest office and Co-head of the firm-wide Real Estate sector, participated as a speaker in an online panel discussion focusing on the leasing issues landlords and tenants...

Kinstellar Podcast Series: The M&A and private equity challenges and opportunities in the CEE region in the context of COVID-19

24 April 2020 – Welcome to another Kinstellar podcast on the M&A and private equity challenges and opportunities in the CEE region in the context of COVID-19. Today, Razvan Popa, Partner and co-head of Kinstellar’s firm-wide Private Equity practice...

Kinstellar Podcast Series: Force Majeure in international sales contracts

22 April 2020 – Welcome to a new Kinstellar podcast! Today’s episode features a discussion on force majeure clauses in international business contracts within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic between Edmund Emre Özer (Partner) and Bulut Girgin...

Hungary: Summary of corporate law measures adopted by the Hungarian Government in connection with the state of danger

21 April 2020 – In view of the ”state of danger” (in Hungarian: “veszélyhelyzet”) the Hungarian Government adopted a Government Decree No. 102/2020. (IV. 10.)  (the “Decree”) and introduced new corporate law measures to facilitate the...

Bulgaria: Insurance coverage for coronavirus losses in Bulgaria: practical aspects of business interruption claims

16 April 2020 – The COVID-19 outbreak has severely affected almost all companies in Bulgaria. While some have been directly impacted by coronavirus infection (e.g., employees becoming sick), the majority have been affected by the measures imposed by...