COVID-19 Resource Hub
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Kinstellar has established a firm-wide COVID-19 Legal Task Force with dedicated legal experts from across our relevant sector focus teams and practice groups and a dedicated Legal Response Hotline service available for our clients and partners.

To further help you mitigate the impact of the pandemic on your business, we have created this special online COVID-19 Resource Hub where you can find relevant insights, podcasts, webinars and other content focusing on important legal and strategy issues related to the rapidly evolving COVID-19 crisis situation.

Czech Republic: Amendments to the Insolvency Act in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic (updated)

9 April 2020 – The Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, in response to the economic impact of the current crisis resulting from the government measures related to the COVID-19 epidemic, adopted an act on certain measures to mitigate...

Czech Republic: Commercial leases – COVID-19 – Where things stand

9 April 2020 – On 8 April, the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech parliament passed legislation mitigating the impact of COVID-19 on commercial leases (the “Bill”). It is expected that the Bill will now swiftly be approved by the Senate of the Czech...

Czech Republic: Act on the mitigation of the impact of an epidemic (updated)

9 April 2020 – The Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, in response to the economic impact of the current crisis resulting from the government measures related to the COVID-19 epidemic, adopted an act on certain measures to mitigate...

Kazakhstan: Brief note on various governmental actions regarding COVID-19 situation

April 2020 – This brief note relates to various governmental actions to support businesses in Kazakhstan due to Covid-19 situation. Our note is intended to be a helpful guide – it is not comprehensive and does not constitute legal advice.

Serbian government introduces state guarantee scheme to bolster market liquidity

9 April 2020 – Following a wave of similar legislation recently adopted in the US and in EU countries, the Serbian government has introduced a state guarantee scheme to support market liquidity, which is expected to deteriorate due to the state of emergency...

Slovakia: Updated summary of current COVID-19 extraordinary measures

9 April 2020 – It may be challenging for non-Slovak speakers to understand the recent stream of extraordinary measures imposed by the Slovak government in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly if you are required to manage your businesses...

Kinstellar Podcast Series: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on M&A activity

April 2020 – Welcome to Kinstellar’s podcast series exploring the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on M&A activity in the CEE/SEE region. In this new series we will discuss the economic impact of the pandemic with representatives of leading corporates...

Czech Republic: Bill on certain loan repayment measures in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic

9 April 2020 – On 1 April 2020, the Government of the Czech Republic approved, as expected, a bill allowing all debtors under loan agreements or similar contracts to notify their creditors of their intention to make use of a so-called protective period...

Czech Republic: A First Aid Package for your business – What immediate measures to take?

9 April 2020 – Many companies are in a state of near-paralysis as a result of the current coronavirus pandemic. At such a time, it is important to stop and think about what can be done to mitigate and avert further business disruptions.

Czech Republic: Updated overview of the Government financial aid available in relation to the COVID 19 situation

9 April 2020 – Our COVID-19 Task Force has summarised, in the document attached, the financial aid available in the Czech Republic, in relation to the COVID 19 situation.