COVID-19 Resource Hub
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Kinstellar has established a firm-wide COVID-19 Legal Task Force with dedicated legal experts from across our relevant sector focus teams and practice groups and a dedicated Legal Response Hotline service available for our clients and partners.

To further help you mitigate the impact of the pandemic on your business, we have created this special online COVID-19 Resource Hub where you can find relevant insights, podcasts, webinars and other content focusing on important legal and strategy issues related to the rapidly evolving COVID-19 crisis situation.

Czech Republic: The National Cyber and Information Security Authority issued a warning of imminent and serious cyber-attacks on information and communication systems

16 April 2020 – On 16 April 2020, the National Cyber and Information Security Authority issued a warning of imminent and serious cyber-attacks on information and communication systems in the Czech Republic, particularly on healthcare systems.

Serbia: Preferential loans part of government package to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

16 April 2020 – On 10 April 2020, as part of a wider package of economic measures aimed at mitigating the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Serbian government adopted the “Decree on Determining the Program of Financial Support for Commercial...

Regional: Updated information about certain measures taken by governments in the Kinstellar jurisdictions in relation to the COVID-19 situation

16 April 2020 – Kinstellar has established a firm-wide COVID-19 Legal Task Force with dedicated legal experts from across our relevant sector focus teams and practice groups. Our Task Force will keep you up to date regarding the legal issues, including...

Serbia: Government support for issuance of corporate bonds

14 April 2020 – On 10 April 2020, the Serbian Government adopted the support package for the Serbian economy in response to the COVID 19 pandemic that is worth in excess of EUR 5 bn and that had been initially announced on 31 March 2020.

Turkey: Key issues facing company directors in relation to COVID-19

13 April 2020 – Under the provisions of the Turkish Commercial Code, company directors are required to act diligently and prudently in the performance of their duties relating to company management. The duty of care imposed on company directors covers...

Regional: Updated overview of measures adopted by authorities in Kinstellar jurisdictions in response to the Covid-19 outbreak and which appear to be relevant from a real estate perspective

13 April 2020 – Even though the legal regulations in this matter continue to evolve rapidly, we would like to provide to you with a general overview of the approaches taken in jurisdictions where Kinstellar currently operates. Please click here for...

Romania: Electronic signature and the Romanian authorities

13 April 2020 – As part of its response to the COVID-19 outbreak in Romania, the Romanian government has taken additional measures to reduce in-person interaction with public authorities.

Kazakhstan: Updates on Governmental actions regarding COVID-19 situation

10 April 2020 – This brief note relates to further updates regarding governmental actions to support businesses in Kazakhstan due to Covid-19 situation. Our note is intended to be a helpful guide – it is not comprehensive and does not constitute...

European Commission takes steps to establish EU-wide mobility data “Toolbox” to help mitigate the impacts of COVID-19

10 April 2020 – As part of the efforts to help curb the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and mitigate its impact throughout the European Union, on 8th of April 2020 the European Commission¹ adopted a "Recommendation on a common Union toolbox for the...

Czech Republic: Corporate Governance measures imposed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic (updated)

9 April 2020 – The Czech Government has prepared several measures that should help companies in the challenging times stemming from the outbreak of COVID-19. Please find below a brief overview of proposed measures relating to the corporate governance...